
All Saints Day is around the corner. As parents and teachers, it is so important that you continue sharing saint stories with your kids. Introduce the saints as heroes and friends who are there to help your kids on their journey through life. 

"What we allow our kids to watch often determines who their heroes will be."

All Saints Day is a great opportunity to create an environment of encounter for our kids. We don't have to walk this journey of faith alone, so let us follow in the footsteps of our Heavenly friends who desire nothing more than to lead us ever closer to Christ. 



Saints Day Coloring Contest

All Saints Coloring Page 2020 01

Print off this picture for the All Saints Day Coloring Contest! We will pick a winner from three different age categories and send them a digital gift! Age categories: 3-5 years old, 6-8 years old, 9-12 years old.

You'll Need:

  • Download and print off this coloring page.
  • A few markers, crayons, or colors.


  1. Color in your coloring page
  2. Email your colored masterpiece to .
  3. Include your child's name and age.

The contest ends at 11:59pm on November 2nd, 2021 (All Souls Day).



Heavenly Links Craft Activity

Heavenly Links

There are angels and saints in heaven praying for us right now. They are cheering us on and encouraging us because they want to see us get to heaven, too. We need to remember to ask them to pray for us. 

You’ll need:


  1. Color the saints and cut out the stripes.
  2. Link them together with tape to make a chain.




Dancing with the Saints Game

Dancing with the saints small 01


The saints loved to celebrate and praise God! They had a lot of zeal for their faith and it got them excited. I’m sure sometimes they even started to dance because they were so joyful! In this game, we’re going to praise God and imagine that we’re dancing with the saints.

You’ll Need:


  1. Print the game sheets and scatter them in the games area.
  2. When the music starts, do your best dance moves around the circle.
  3. As soon as the music stops, dance over to a saint and freeze there until a leader calls out one of the saint names: “Who is dancing near Saint John Bosco?”
  4. The kids who are standing closest to St. John Bosco are the winners! (They can each get a small prize.)
  5. When the music starts again, keep dancing until the leader calls out another saint.




Saint Trivia

You’ll Need:


  1. Print out the Trivia Questions and cut out the ABC letters. 
  2. Place the letters at the opposite side of the room across from each player.
  3. The leader will call out a question. The answer will either be A, B, or C. 
  4. When you know the answer, run to the other side of the playing area, grab the correct letter, and run back to the start line. 
  5. The players who get the correct letter will get a point. The one with the most points at the end of the game, wins. 




Download for Kids at Home or School


Coloring Book cover revised

Download Saint Coloring Book (includes 32 saints)


Vol 3 Cover 01

Digital Audio Drama Episodes (Includes 6 different episodes)


all saint cards lay out 1

 Beautifully Illustrated Saint Cards (Multiple packs available)


Do you have any favorite ways to celebrate All Saints Day? Let us know in the comments below! 


Digital Audio Drama Episodes (Includes 6 different episodes)

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